
  • May 2024: Graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts in Art from University of Southern California

  • 2024-2026: MFA in Visual Arts candidate at Washington University in St. Louis’ Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts


  • 2023: Winner of Fine Arts Club of Pasadena Visual Arts Award Competition

  • 2023: Winner of the Arts, Architecture, and Humanities category of USC’s Annual Academic Research Symposium

  • USC Arts & Climate Collective Grant Recipient (2021-2022 and 2023-2024)


  • 2024: From the Corner of My Eye; a group show at the European Culture Centre’s Palazzo Mora during Venice Biennial 

  • 2024: #LivingArtists; the annual summer exhibition at the Greenwich Art Society

  • 2023: Patient; a solo exhibition hosted at USC Roski’s IFT Gallery 

  • 2023: Quiet Exhibition; a student-run group show

  • 2023: “While People Hunger” artwork on display in USC’s Sustainability Hub

  • 2022: From Alcatraz to the BIA: Portraits of Modern Native American Leaders; a solo exhibition hosted at USC Roski’s IFT Gallery

  • 2022: Roski School of Art and Design’s Annual Student Exhibition

  • 2022-2023: “Heavy Heart” sculpture displayed at Keck Hospital

  • 2022: Artist & Researcher Show at USC’s Keck School of Medicine

  • 2021: Colorado Arts and Music Festival

  • 2021-2022: Yosemite Sierra Artists Visions of Self Art Show

  • 2020-2022: Art published in  Palaver Magazine; appeared as the cover for Spring 2022 edition